04.08. bis 14.08.2025
Schloss Loburg
Collegium Johanneum
Loburg 15
48346 Ostbevern
Nanotechnology (englischsprachiger Kurs)
What do atoms look like? Can we actually see them? Why does a gecko stick to the ceiling? What about nano particles in medicine? Why does the Lotus plant always stay clean? Nanotechnology offers a great diversity in many different subjects: medicine, technology, biology, chemistry and the electronic sector. We want to find out more about new materials, about the tools and techniques used and about the ad- vantages of nanotechnology in everyday life. We are also going to have a closer look in health and envi- ronmental concerns and carry out several experiments to reveal the secret of such small but powerful matter.
Biomimicry (englischsprachiger Kurs)
For centuries people have studied nature in order to design engineering systems and make use of them in modern technology. Leonardo da Vinci´s flying machines and ships are early examples of drawing from nature in engineering. Today bionics in engineering include the hulls of boats imitating the thick skin of dolphins; sonar, radar, and medical ultrasound imaging imitating the echolocation of bats. There is a wide range of the usage of bionics´ have you ever heard of medical adhesives involving glue and tiny nano- hairs are being developed based on the physical structures found in the feet of geckos? We would like to explore more about this relatively new science in this course, test biological and technological coherence ourselves and understand some of the underlying principles.
Investigating the physical Universe (englischsprachiger Kurs)
How hot is the sun and how much power does it produce? How cold is cold? How stiff is steel? How far will an egg fly? How can we find out? Do you have a question that you’d like to investigate? How do we measure? How reliable is the data? How can we communicate our research? What has a fizzy drink got to do with radioactive decay? What is a scientific model? What can we learn from balloons? All these questions, and more will be investigated during the ‘Investigating the Physical Universe’ course. We will be working in teams, just like real scientists. You will be planning and defining, investigating and com- municating, discussing and evaluating. You will also be having a lot of fun and making lifelong friends. Sign up now – we look forward to meeting you in Ostbevern. Welcome to the fascinating world of physics, let your imagination lead the way.
The Natural World and Evolution (englischsprachiger Kurs)
This course will show how the diversity of life of earth is driven by evolution and natural selection through many factors, from the genetics all the way up to competition between organisms. You will start your journey by looking at how an organism's DNA codes for it's characteristics, and how changes can be made to change the makeup of the organism. After, you will see how genes work to create microscopic organisms, each of these being very diverse in order to survive and fill niches in their ecosystem. Finally, we will look at the complexity of multicellular organisms: the animals and plants that dominate our planet and live together to form bustling communities, and how they adapt to survive and thrive. By the end of this course, you will be able to trace a line from your knowledge of evolution from the tiniest factor affecting change all the way up to the largest communities that push survival of the fittest.